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How to Use Outdoor External Screens Effectively

External screens are a fantastic and versatile way to create stunning outdoor rooms that open up your home.

Our bespoke external glass systems in combination with verandas or awnings are designed to allow you to use your garden all year round at an affordable price, while still being protected from the wind, rain and harsh UK weather conditions.

Outdoor rooms made from external screens are much like extensions, however they don’t require as much work or planning permissions, thanks to the lack of foundations needed.

So if you’re feeling like you don’t spend enough time in your garden due to the unpredictability of the British weather, with external screens, you can enjoy the outdoor experience whilst being protected from the harsher weather conditions thanks to the strong glass and canopy or veranda.

External screens can have a number of purposes. Here are some of our favourite outdoor room ideas.

Outdoor Bar

When pubs and bars were closed during the coronavirus lockdown, many people took the opportunity to transform sections of their gardens into at-home outdoor bars.

Even now the pandemic has ended, having a garden bar with weather proofing is a great way to host parties and have a drink with friends no matter the weather- not to mention, drinks are a lot cheaper!

Make every hour a happy hour with an at-home outdoor bar!

Outdoor Office

Research has found that workers are more engaged when they work in natural light conditions and according to research by Future Workplace, workers in daylight office environments reported a 51% drop in eyestrain, a 63% drop in headaches and a 56% reduction in drowsiness.

This is why an outdoor room made from external screens can act as a perfect study zone or home office. 

Studies from Forbes found the following scientifically backed reasons why working outside if good for you:

More Energetic

Multiple studies have found that being in nature makes people feel more ‘alive’. Leading author and professor at the University of Rochester, Richard Ryan, said:

“Nature is fuel for the soul, often when we feel depleted, we reach for a cup of coffee but research suggests a better way to get energised is to connect with nature”

Stress Relief

Spending more time outside has been proven to lower stress levels and can have a similar effect on the brain as meditation. 

Increased Happiness

Numerous studies have proven that our moods take a positive shift when we spend time outside.

Evidence also shows spending time with nature can lessen the risk of depression and anxiety as well as reducing symptoms experienced by  those with existing mental health issues.

Improved Memory

Studies found that spending time in nature helps to improve memory functions with short-term memory benefitting most in particular as well as improving attention span.

Garden Dining Area

Another great way to enjoy your garden is by creating an alfresco dining area.

Ideal for barbecuing in all weathers and enjoying outdoor meals with all your family and friends, an outdoor dining area made from external screens offers a number of benefits. 

A number of studies have shown that spending time outdoors lowers your heart rate and blood pressure, decreases stress hormones, and eases muscle tension.

Additionally, being outdoors increases your exposure to vitamin D which helps to keep your bones strong and healthy as well as increasing your levels of adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine, helping to avoid depression.

Similarly, natural light is much more healthy than artificial light which has been linked to higher chances of obesity and type two diabetes. Thus, eating outdoors is incredibly beneficial to both mental and physical health.

At Aspiration Blinds, we offer a free no obligation design consultation to explain what is possible for external screen design. Don’t hesitate to get in touch today!

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